Market Research

Co-create, Quantify and Prioritise market ideas with Resonance (Discovery) Surveys.

Staying relevant to customers is a key challenge in today’s fast moving market.

As Marketers, we think we know, but sometimes we don’t…

Focus groups are slow, expensive and cannot be done at scale. Co-creation on the other hand enables you to gain input from your target market (existing or potential), in order to:

  • Generate new ideas
  • Test existing ideas
  • Prioritise them!

Providing you with evidence of what your customers want in order to continually innovate and advance your products, services or processes.

How does it work?


Ask an open-ended question.

Participants contribute ideas – in their own words


Participants ideas are mixed with brand seeded ideas to further frame the question.


Participants select (vote) statements provided by others.

New ideas are moderated, grouped and represented on subsequent participants according to the Resonance algorithm.


All selected & added statements are then ranked by importance.

Top ranked ideas are highest impact drivers.


Discover who is talking, what they want and how much they want it.

From our experience, less than 10% of seeded (brand provided) ideas make the top 10 list.

Want to see how this can be enabled for you?

Let your customers tell you what is important to them!